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Refashion is a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in France, tasked with implementing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the textile, footwear, and household linen industries.

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Refashion is a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) in France, tasked with implementing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the textile, footwear, and household linen industries. It facilitates the recycling and recovery of textile waste by working closely with producers, recyclers, and other stakeholders to promote a circular economy.

Recover's role in ReFashion

Recover™ is proud to be part of the Refashion platform as a recognized recycler. Our role involves leveraging our expertise in recycling post-industrial and post-consumer textiles to contribute towards a circular fashion industry. Our commitment to circularity aligns with the mission of Refashion, as we work together with brands, manufacturers, and other stakeholders to drive large-scale environmental impact and promote responsible resource use.